In overwhelming situations, the body and the mind can be so stressed that you experience a so- called burnout. “Burnout describes a state of deep emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress” (Julia Dobmeier, 2022). Both the body and the mind give you warning signs before you find yourself in the middle of a burnout. How are the body and mind influenced by these? And how do different people’s bodies and minds experience burnout?

René Descartes is the first philosopher who questioned the relationship between mind and body. Descartes believed in a concept called dualism, which is the view that the mind and body are separate (Speaks, 2006). However, other theories argue that they are one entity, with a core that is neither the body nor the mind. Through our research, we have established that burnout affects both the body and mind, meaning that they’re interrelated and able to affect one another.

Counter-maps are a way to “analyze networks and spaces in order to generate social change from below” (Mesquita, n.d). In the same way, by using graphs to map the social issue of constant work and no rest, we have related these graphs to the method of counter-mapping. Our mapping includes the different impressions of mind and body for each person as well as what triggered the burnout. These elements create the opportunity for us to question why burnouts happen so often and to so many of us, what factors have influenced it, and question society’s view regarding the work mentality.

Putting work before all else has become the norm in our society. We’re all expected to fit the ”survival-of-the-fittest model of labor capitalism”, which leaves no room for us to live a life outside of work (Rizvi, 2016).
In addition, Rizvi mentions self-recognition, knowledge, and reclamation. These are all essential to prevent burnout. By recognizing the warning signs, acknowledging them, and claim time to decompress we can recover from the pressure we placed on our body and mind. That is why we have created our counter-map based on the research we have collected from people who have suffered from burnout. The material allows you to compare the experiences, while remaining personal, and learn about burnout.

In our mapping we target the social issue of burnout by comparing the experiences of different peoples burnout and the effects to their mind and body without making it one statistic. We encourage people to reflect on the state of their bodies and minds and to express their discoveries on a blank canvas by listening to your body and mind. How often do you listen to the warning signs of your body and mind?


Julia Dobmeier. Burnout: Symptome, Behandlung, Vorbeugen. Netdoktor, 2022, krankheiten/burnout/.

Mesquita, André. Counter-Cartographiespolitics, Art And The Insurrection Of Maps.

Rizvi, Uzma Z. Decolonization As Care. Valiz Publishers, 2016, pp. 85-95.

Speaks, Jeff. “Descartes On The Separateness Of Mind And Body”. Www3.Nd.Edu, 2006, https://www3.